Virtual class

Virtual Knife Skills

Join us for our most popular class…virtually! Join our Chopping Block Chef in real time for a chopping session that’ll have you mincing, slicing, and dicing vegetables and herbs like a pro via Zoom. Knife care, selection, sharpening and honing are also covered. You’ll be able to hear and see everything the chef is doing in class, but also have the opportunity to ask questions in Zoom through the chat pane with the help of our chef/moderator. If you need a refresher after the class, you’ll have access to the video recording for 1 week so you can review the skills covered.

You also have the option to experience this class in person and hands-on in our state-of-the-art kitchen at the Merchandise Mart: Sign up here.

Got questions about our virtual classes? Check out our FAQs.


The Chopping Block Lincoln Square

30000+ happy customers

Virtual Classes


4747 N. Lincoln Ave. , Chicago

Virtual Classes

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